Because akara Fresh Eggs come from a healthy breed of hens. We also control the production process starting from raising in a modern standard farming with good disease prevention measures. NO Hormones Added and NO Antibiotics.
Thus, we can produce fresh and hygienic eggs with good quality and specially selected eggs which are fresh, clean, and safe for you.

Better choice of fresh eggs with fresh, hygienic, good quality eggs that are better and healthier than normal eggs. More deliciousness to every egg dish that you create. Whether using eggs as an ingredient for cooking or baking. Fresh bright yellow yolk and the texture is not too liquidy. Freshness Guaranteed.
Fresh and hygienic eggs have been certified by the Department of Livestock Development, Thailand with GMP and ISO 22000 standards. NO Hormones Added and NO Antibiotics. Eggs are fresh, clean, enrich with nutrients, and good for your health.
You can eat fresh and good quality Double Yolk eggs that contain “2 yolks in 1 egg” because every 100 grams of egg yolk contains up to 150 milligrams of iron and is rich in protein, lecithin.
This is adding deliciousness and nutrient benefits and good for health to every egg dish you create.
Specially selected eggs that are specially selected for the appearance of Double Yolk eggs which can be used for making dessert.
Fresh bright yellow yolk is good for dessert as well as makes dessert’s texture not too sloppy because of the freshness of specially selected Double Yolk eggs.
You can use fresh double yolk eggs for every dessert and food that uses the yolk as the main ingredient.
akara double yolk product certified by GMP and ISO 22000 standards. NO Hormones Added and NO Antibiotics. Fresh, clean, and enriched with nutrients that are good for your health.
You will be able to better choose fresh, hygienic, good quality Super Jumbo eggs. Especially the Big size that are special than normal eggs. More deliciousness to every egg dish that you create. Whether using eggs as an ingredient for cooking or baking, fresh bright yolk, and the texture is not too liquidy. Freshness Guaranteed.
Satisfied with quality and the Big Size of eggs that are specially selected. Eggs can be used as a main course or add to another recipe to make the meal even more special.
Fresh Eggs come from a healthy breed of hens and are certified by GMP and ISO 22000 standards. NO Hormones Added and NO Antibiotics. Fresh, clean, and enriched with nutrients that are good for your health.